I am moved to tears"but there is also hope in my heart"that the average person will walk in off the street and be forever changed- I am moving here in August- I am a teacher, an artist, and an activist- I would like to volunteer my skills and dedication in any way possible- thank you for touching me
Posted By: Trisha Halverson
The war room brought tears to my eyes & sadness to my heart. I am of the Vietnam generation & fear the present war for my own two sons. I wanted to sweep you up in my arms & take away the pain, so powerful- I’m sorry I missed meeting you. John walked me through your life’s work and all I can say is how happy I am that you found love & happiness. No one should go through such pain- But god watches out & brings you home to peace. As a fellow artist, I salute you- I am awed, I am speechless, I am moved beyond words.
Posted By: Meg Winter
Your talent exceeds beyond words. I’m in awe of your work. Excellent- Must see show!
Posted By: Carol Buchalter
God has blessed us all by giving you the talent of expressing the horror of war and the beauty of peace through your hands. Peace
Posted By: Dolores Tschudi
Your message of peace inspires me. Your images of war move me also, but in a way that frightens me & makes me sad. Let us all teach & live peace.
Posted By: Sue Wright
Stunning- thought provoking- eye opening & heart opening- This art is like no other art I have seen. Displays so much feeling (sorrow and joy) Peace is certainly the answer to all our fears.
Posted By: Rosemary & Carl Casperson
Many many people should see this exhibit and become aware of the tragedies of war. We have choice. We have freedom. We must stop war.
Posted By: Kathy Ordway
Probably the most timely and ppowerful works of an exceptional artist we have ever seen!
Posted By: Tom & Doris Regan
Very peaceful. Power to the peaceful! Thank you Thank you. Please keep us informed.
Posted By: Kathleen & Bill DiVergilio
Your paintings express more than words can say. I am a peace maker in a quiet way. I have over my door at my office, "Peace through music" I am a music teacher, and try to exemplify for my students a way of peace. Your exhibit was extremely moving. Thank you. Your painting style is commanding. This will be a lifelong experience.
Posted By: Donna Butler
Very compelling & inspiring. It drives me to want to make a difference.
Posted By: Daniel E. Fernandez
Beautiful expression of the way society needs to start thinking
Posted By: Yolanda McCollisten
Astoundingly beautiful and profound!
Posted By: Elaine L. Boyer
Your work is beautiful! I love how interactive the exhibit is. It is so welcoming to see so many different people & cultures represented in peace.
Posted By: Christine Fitzgerald
Thank you for sharing your passion and commitment in making our world a more loving caring planet. Involving visitors and making them aware of the importance they can each play in voicing concern and determination to better our world will guarantee future generations a peaceful place to grow.
Posted By: Marianna Green
Very powerful exhibit. The paintings are exquisite. They portray the violence of war and the so much needed peace. Thank you!
Posted By: Yesyca Morales
A unique experience in a beautiful setting. Invokes the idea that unity is essential in bringing about change in the world.
Posted By: Marianne Weiss
This is the most powerful antiwar statement I"ve seen since Guernica by Pablo Picasso. I am in awe of your power.
Posted By: Barbara Buch
Beautiful, by showing us the solution to all which is ugly. Peace can only be reached by tolerance, bombs are not democracy, murder is not liberation. Art is Resistance! We all have a voice! Wake up and give a shit!
Posted By: Alan Edward Trullinger
A very moving exhibit- bring it to London!
Posted By: Menel Sankey
"Heart breaking and heart lifting."
Posted By: Sandra & Milton Wilcox